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Supercharge Your Laravel App with Inertia React and bootstrap 🚀


Recently, while working on a project, I wanted to use Inertia with React and Bootstrap. However, I ran into some obstacles. Firstly, Laravel starter kits such as Breeze only support Tailwind instead of Bootstrap. Additionally, the Inertia documentation for installing React was incomplete, which caused me to spend a lot of time trying to troubleshoot the issue. To streamline the setup process for future projects, I decided to write a shell script that automates the installation of Inertia with React and Bootstrap. This script saved me a lot of time and hassle during the setup process, and I'm happy to share it with others. Simply copy the file and run it in your project terminal, and you'll have Inertia with React and Bootstrap installed in no time.

When it comes to user registration, Laravel Fortify is a great option. It's a frontend agnostic authentication backend implementation that integrates seamlessly with Laravel. If you're interested in trying out the shell script I mentioned earlier, you can find it on my Github repository If you find it useful, don't hesitate to leave a star and make use of it in your own projects. Happy coding! 👋